30On the 27th of November National Laboratory of Frascati welcomed 50 students from the 1st High School of Preveza (Greece), accompanied by their teachers. Other classes from the same school came to LNF in previous occasions: the Greek institute can be considered one of our most affectionate visitors. The day started with a talk in Touschek hall entitled “From Higgs to G-waves and all in between”, by the physicist Stefano Bianco. After some questions about this lecture, the students – divided into two groups, each one guided by an LNF researcher – were offered a full tour of the Laboratory: the visit began with SPARC_Lab, followed by CMS Centre, AdA, DAFNE control room; it concluded with the detectors exhibition, OpenDetectors, and the antenna Nautilus.
Translation by Camilla Paola Maglione, Communications Office INFN-LNF