Frascati, March 27 – 31 , 2023

From Quarks to Black Holes: let’s get INSPYRED!
Quantum cryptography – an introduction – A. Bassi (Univ. of Trieste)
We will present three key ingredients at the basis of quantum communication: Bell’s inequalities, teleportation and the no cloning theorem. For the first two, the Nobel prize in Physics was awarded last year to Aspect, Clauser and Zeilinger. Next, we will discuss the two most popular algorithms for quantum key distribution (the core of quantum cryptography): the so-called BB84 and E91 protocols. Last, we will present the state of the art in the implementation of quantum cryptography in Italy (and the rest of the world).
Angelo Bassi
Angelo Bassi graduated in Physics at the University of Trieste (110/110 cum laude). In 2001 he received his PhD in Physics. Subsequently he was Post-Doctoral Fellow and Visiting Scientist at the ICTP of Trieste, and Marie-Curie Fellow at the Ludwig-Maximillian University of Munich. He is now full professor at the Physics Department of the University of Trieste. His research concerns the fundamentals of quantum mechanics. He is the author of over 140 publications in international journals, invited speaker at over 70 international conferences, organizer of 30 conferences. He has been invited to present his research in the most important institutes in the world (including MIT, Harvard, Columbia University, NYU, Princeton). He is the winner and coordinator of numerous national and international research projects. He was Chair of COST Shares “Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics” and “Quantum Technologies in Space”. He coordinates the European projects “TEQ: Testing the Large-scale limit of Quantum Mechanics” and “QuCoM: Quantum Control of Gravity with Levitated Mechanics”. He was interviewed by New York Time Magazine with a dedicated profile (June 2020), by “Le Scienze” (April 2021), and several other international scientific magazines. The newspaper “La Repubblica” dedicated a longform (October 2021). Now he is collaborator of Repubblica, for which he writes about Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies.