Frascati, March 27 – 31 , 2023

From Quarks to Black Holes: let’s get INSPYRED!
Symmetries in Physics – A. D. Polosa (Univ. Sapienza, Rome)
I will attempt an elementary presentation of the concept of symmetry in the fundamental laws of physics. This will introduce a brief discussion of parity violations in weak interactions, a central fact underlying the construction of the Standard Model.
Antonio Davide Polosa
AD Polosa
Professor of Theoretical Physics
Sapienza University of Rome.
Scientific interests: B-meson physics, Hadron Collider Physics,
Heavy Ion Collisions, Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy, Direct Detection
of Dark Matter.
Laurea and PhD, University of Bari.
Post Doc: University of Helsinki, CERN, LAPP-TH.